Sonoma County hospitals are under the same cost pressures as every other area of the country. There continues to be consolidation pressures. In particular, Palm Drive in Sebastopol is under enormous pressure at this moment. We hope they can survive and continue to provide excellent service to the west part of Sonoma County. Kaiser, on the other hand, has picked up large blocks of customers from the demise of a large health care plan several years ago. In response, they are building new facilities to manage the influx of new patients.
* Healdsburg District Hospital
1375 University Avenue
Healdsburg, CA 95448
707-431-6500 Main
707-431-6300 ED
707-431-7214 ED Fax
* Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
1165 Montgomery Drive
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
707-546-3210 Main
707-525-5207 ED
707-525-5296 ED Fax
* Kaiser Santa Rosa
401 Bicentennial Way
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
707-571-4000 Main
707-571-4800 ED
707-571-4741 ED Fax
* Sonoma Valley Hospital
347 Andrieux Street
Sonoma, CA 95476
707-935-5000 Main
707-935-5106 ED
707-935-5110 ED Fax
* Palm Drive Hospital
501 Petaluma Avenue
Sebastopol, CA 95472
707-823-8511 Main
707-829-4370 ED
707-829-4147 ED Fax
* Sutter Medical Center
3325 Chanate Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707-576-4000 Main
707-576-4318 Admin Fax
707-576-4040 ED
707-576-4060 ED Fax
* Petaluma Valley Hospital
400 N. McDowell Blvd.
Petaluma, CA 94952
707-778-1111 Main
707-778-2634 ED
707-773-1519 ED Fax
* Sutter Warrack Hospital
2449 Summerfield Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
707-542-9030 Main
707-523-7125 Fax
* Redwood Coast Medical Services
P.O. Box 1100
Gualala, CA 95455
707-884-4005 Main
707-884-4005 ED (same)
707-884-4625 ED Fax