Healdsburg lots and land are selling again. Based on sales activity in the last six months, it appears that the inventory of lots and land is finally coming into a healthy balance with sales.
Beginning in December 2010, and continuing the first five months of 2011 the steady volume of sales have confirmed a strong improvement in the real estate market for both finished lots and raw land. The big bump in the lines on the right of the chart (May is just over half completed as of this writing) show a near tripling of the sales trend from last year when even one sale per month was a notable achievement.
In terms of inventory, we have cleared a big backlog of unsold parcels and now are working on a more normal six to nine months of inventory. There are still a few discounted REO lots on the market, but there are more open market sales and higher end properties for buyers to choose from.
Healdsburg Lot and Land Listings
(click on any picture or link to get details)