Sonoma County Real Estate Search

Searching Sonoma County Real Estate can be easy. I have set up some pre-configured searches for REO property, but the tools I provide are flexible enough to search for Sonoma County property of all types. In the screen shot below you can see the potential to search for many field. The two search fields highlighted by ovals are particularly important to use. My suggestion is to make sure you are only looking at “Active” properties. They are readily  available to purchase.  Contingent properties already have a buyer in contract and it can be a futile exercise to wait to see if the deal falls apart.

You don’t have to register to search the first ten properties. My philosophy is to empower my potential clients with as much information as they want. The more you know about the real estate market in Sonoma County, the easier it is for me to help you make a successful offer on the Sonoma County property you want to buy. At the same time, if you’re interested in selling, a deep understanding of the market will  help me work with you to set a realistic price that should result in a sale in a reasonable time.

I am curious about who uses my search tools, so feel free to call me at 707-869-1884 or email me at and we can talk about making your searching more effective or talk about your home search in general.

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