The Joy of Dreaming

Your house search has to begin with a dream.  Everyone I have ever helped buy a home in Sonoma County has visualized the luxurious bathroom, or the professional stainless kitchen with a vast pantry. For some, it’s the formal gardens with espalliered fruit trees behind the massed roses. For others, it may be a spotless garage floor surrounded by custom workbenches, or a meditation room or sound studio.  My buying friends all have home yearnings and their dreams continue, as unique and wonderful as each client.

It’s the start of every home search.  Whether it’s a fully fleshed out vision or a more nebulous idea of how a home or specific room should feel, everyone has a dream of what they want.  It’s important to share those thoughts with your agent.  Candidly, your dreams are what drive us too. Everyone has heard about the sheer joy of seeing things through a child’s eyes. For me as a real estate agent, helping make your dream a reality is the closest I can come to a joyful job. It’s not about the money or fancy car (pause for raucus laughter about my “fancy” car).

It’s about the joy of your dream for you…and for me.

Start Dreaming

Dave Roberts

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