Emerald Ridge estate lots outside Healdsburg are all sold. The lot creation process took time, and the creation of these twenty acre lots was at least a five year process of planning, government approvals, and site work. The asphalt roads and driveways have been completed and each lot now has underground water installed. The electrical and telephone cables are pulled through already installed underground conduits . The only thing that hasn’t been updated on the site is the geography. These lots started out very close to Healdsburg. They still are.

For architects looking for an ideal location to design a wine country estate, Emerald Ridge offers views, sun, great building envelopes, and a forested environment. The views from each of the lots are different, but they all include Fitch Mountain, Mt. St. Helena, and portions of the Dry Creek Valley. It will be up to the proud, new owners of the lots working with their architect and landscape architect to determine just how much of the view to open up by selective thinning or limbing.
In the same way that the property developers have done a sensitive job of opening up the views just enough to reveal them, they have created building envelopes that are big enough to be flexible, but contained enough to help maintain the privacy among all the lots. Each parcel has several acres of the twenty acres that are set aside for buildings. It will be fascinating to see the compounds and main homes designed by the architects fortunate enough to have one of these lots to work with.
Updated Selling Information on 02/13/13…all the lots are sold.